Ok, let's talk about this. If you have been reading my stories, then you know Sam has been sick. What I don't get is why Mom and Dad spend so much money on him? Don't they realize that no matter how much money they spend, he is still going to eat dog poop! (And cat poop too if he can get to it before me!) So I heard them talking how they spent $92 on Sam's food and it is only going to last him 2 weeks!!! Now, I want to know this, when they buy presents for the boy and girl, they make sure the spend about the same amount of money...does that mean I have $92 worth of bones in my future??? That would be awesome!!!
But seriuosly, if the food helps Sam to feel better, I guess it will be worth it. He really is fun to wrestle with, although I kind of like the fact that lately, he is a "lightweight"!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thunder and Lightening
This morning, while Dad was getting ready for work, there was this really loud noise. Dad said it was thunder, and then there was a huge bright light! I thought someone was taking my picture again because everyone loves to take my picture :-) For some reason, Sadie hightailed it right into the laundry room. She was shaking and wouldn't talk to me. I tried to tell her it was OK, that Dad knew what the loud noise was and I am not afraid of getting my picture taken, but she just wouldn't listen! I mean, the noise wasn't that bad, no louder than when the boy plays drums, know what I mean? Well, anyway, talk about weird weather. That was today. After the loud noise and stuff, it started to rain, then it started to snow, it was very windy and very cold all day. I was even too cold to make my snow angels! Now that's cold. I made Mom promise to take a picture of my next snow angel to show you, so keep on checking my page so you don't miss it!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Oreo's in my bed!
Ok, this is a picture of Oreo in my bed. Now, I don't usually mind sharing, but Oreo is not very nice to me! So, how dare she sleep in my bed! Mom took a picture for me so you could see what I am talking about. Now, I love my crate, it is where I sleep when Mom and Dad are not home. I have my own blanket, toys and water dish. It is my favorite spot to sleep besides with Mom and Dad! But Oreo is such a rude cat! She usually walks by with her nose and tail up in the air! She sits on a chair and swats me whenever I come by and sniff her to say hi! She always complain when I try to play with her and she runs to Mom and Dad every time I try to play chase with her! So, what gives her the right to think she can sleep in my bed? It just isn't right! No Fair!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sam's Problems
I overheard Dad and Mom talking. Sam has something called E-Coli??? I don't really know what that means, but they sounded like it was pretty bad. After all this time that Sam has been sick, I guess they finally know what is wrong with him. He got so skinny! But, I have to admit that it really didn't slow him down any. He is still a pretty good wrestler, as you can tell from the video on my last blog!!! :-) He has to take more medicine, but they tell me he is going to be OK in no time at all! I sure hope so, it isn't much fun wrestling with him when you can feel every one of his bones...I can't wait to have my brother back in shape! I have great games planned for us! :-D
Monday, January 21, 2008
Martin Luther King Day!
Ok, so I really don't know what Martin Luther King Day is, but I do know that Mom and the boy both got to stay home with me today :-) Poor Dad had to go to work :-( Anytime I get extra company, besides my sister Lucie of course, is a good day to me. I have been keeping an eye on everyone for Mom today. She won't have to worry about anything with me on guard. I chased the squirrels away this morning, made sure Oreo didn't come wandering around and bugging anyone, slept on the blanket that Lucie warmed up for me and barked as the snowmobilers drove by. I also made sure that no one got too warm laying in the sun for too long. Wouldn't want them to get a sunburn!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I got to play in the snow again! That is my favorite! Mom took pictures for me to share with all of you...Enjoy! :-D
Me and Sam Wrestling Today
Friday, January 18, 2008
Mom's Home

Oh My God! Mom is home early again! I am so excited, I can't stop running in circles!!! Hope Lucie is ready to play. Sam and Sadie are wrestling and they won't let me join in, so Lucie is my partner for the day! Here we go, round and round, through the kitchen, into the family room, zip through the living room, dining room and back to the kitchen. Boy this is a blast!!! :-D
Ok, time to rest for a minute. Good thing Mom likes it when I sit on her lap and lick her face so that she can rub my belly. Nothing finishes up a good round of wrestling like a belly rub...
Sadie and Sam are finally tired too. They are both drinking out of the water dish at the same time; and there goes Lucie, as soon as the sun comes out, she won't play with me, just wants to lay in the sun and take a nap...how boring! I have been cooped up all morning in my crate and it is time to run! I bet I can get her to wake up! :-)
Ok, time to rest for a minute. Good thing Mom likes it when I sit on her lap and lick her face so that she can rub my belly. Nothing finishes up a good round of wrestling like a belly rub...
Sadie and Sam are finally tired too. They are both drinking out of the water dish at the same time; and there goes Lucie, as soon as the sun comes out, she won't play with me, just wants to lay in the sun and take a nap...how boring! I have been cooped up all morning in my crate and it is time to run! I bet I can get her to wake up! :-)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Lucie and Oreo
I was trying to lay with Mom this afternoon. I could tell she wasn't feeling well, and I know how much she enjoys it when I lay on her and lick her face so she can go to sleep. But then Lucie and Oreo start butting in trying to lay with Mom too and they are a pain in the butt. I mean, jeepers, all they do is lay there! How can that be any fun for Mom? So I was barking at Oreo trying to get her to liven up a little and Lucie starts growling. So, mom gets mad at them and kicks us all off. Boy, they sure know how to ruin a good thing!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
What Does Come Mean to you?
I am trying to figure this out. My Mom and Dad keep yelling 'come'...what does it mean? Whenever they yell it, I sit there and wait for them to come to me, but they don't, so I am really getting confused. Then they yell 'house' and I wait for them to go into the house, but, again, they don't. I have been working for a long time now on training them, and for some reason, they just can't get it. I think that after a certain age, (not saying they are old or anything like that) humans just can't be trained anymore. But, as any good dog will do, I will keep on working on them and give them every opportunity to improve. I have noticed that their voices are now able to yell much louder, so apparently, they are getting better at it!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Boy
The boy is playing drums! I love when he plays drums. I can lay on the floor and my belly shakes (plus other things I won't mention here)! It is a blast! Dad seems to like the song he is playing. I do too. Sounds like 'Tom Sawyer' by Rush. He is a really good drummer. I don't think Lucie likes it though, cuz she is hiding her head under Mom's leg.
Mom and Dad went to watch the boy play volleyball tonight. I don't really know what volleyball is, but the boy really likes it. I know they use a BIG white ball and I heard them talking about how the boy hit the ball so hard, he hurt one of the other players. They were laughing and talking about how tall the boy is and that helps him hit it over something called a net. I guess he can jump up and hit it over the net so hard that the other kids were backing away. That sounds like a blast! I wish I could play volleyball. I think I will ask Mom and Dad if I can go to the next game. I bet I am tall enough!
Mom and Dad went to watch the boy play volleyball tonight. I don't really know what volleyball is, but the boy really likes it. I know they use a BIG white ball and I heard them talking about how the boy hit the ball so hard, he hurt one of the other players. They were laughing and talking about how tall the boy is and that helps him hit it over something called a net. I guess he can jump up and hit it over the net so hard that the other kids were backing away. That sounds like a blast! I wish I could play volleyball. I think I will ask Mom and Dad if I can go to the next game. I bet I am tall enough!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Lazy Sunday Afternoons
There is nothing like a lazy Sunday afternoon. You get to race around and wrestle with your brothers and sisters, go outside to play for a while and then curl up with Mom and Dad when they finally sit down. Lucie is in one of her moods, she just keeps trying to curl up with Mom cuz she thinks Mom is going to protect her! No way! I know she is really just playing hard to get and so I make sure to chase her right of Mom's lap and then we can run around and around and around the house. I think Mom and Dad really like it when we do that, cuz they are always shouting and cheering us on! Then Sadie starts to bark and I think she is telling us to go faster! So, of course, we go faster! Then Sam starts to join in and we really get the fur flying! It is so funny to watch him run into the table after we run under it! :-) Mom and Dad don't know that we do that on purpose!!! But Sam's a good kid, he is still under the weather, but he is lucky cuz he gets fed special now, some kind of juicy canned food that I can't seem to sneak in and grab when Dad gives it to him. But I am working on it. Betcha I will get it next time! Enjoy your Sunday!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Sleeping In
This morning I got to sleep in. The girl must not have had to work, because after Dad and Mom left for work, I was able to go back to bed. I could tell she really wanted me to sleep with her, she kept calling my name really loudly whenever I would bark at the neighbors. So I jumped right up into bed with her and gave her one of my best good morning kisses! Right in the Face! Everyone loves my kisses! Then I pushed everyone else out of the way and cuddled right up on top of her head to keep her warm. Everyone knows that most of your body heat escapes out of your head and I wanted to make sure she was nice and warm. :-) I can just bet that she hopes I get to go back to bed with her again tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Year's Day

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